I love a good murder mystery! And not the modern or even later Agatha Christie psychological thrillers, but the classic golden age mysteries where the case is solved. It’s lovely to inhabit a world where puzzles can actually be solved!

Christie and Sayers are of course right at the top, but Nagio Marsh, Margery Allingham, Elizabeth Daly, and Patricia Wentworth are all really fun, too. British Library Classics are re-releasing many titles that are new to me- some better than others, but it’s another good place to look when you run out of Cadfels. :)

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Well written! I fell in love with Agatha Christie's novels last year for the same reason! I was delighted to find that time and time again, evil was vanquished, and each time it was recognized for what it truly is: evil. I'm slowly, and haphazardly, making my way through the greats. I'm reading through Chesterton now and plan to pick up Doyle next.

You may enjoy The Literary Life podcast, if you've never heard of them! They love the genre for the same reasons.

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